Section 1
The fiscal year of the Florida Power Club shall begin on February 1 and end January 31 of the following year.
Section 1
The liquidation or withdrawal of any of the Club's investment portfolio (stocks & bonds) must be presented to the membership at an Annual or Special meeting for their deliberation and vote. Further, any liquidation of invested funds shall not exceed 10% of the total fund value for any fiscal year except as stated in Article IX.
Section 1
In event of consideration of dissolution of the Club, the President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board, a Liquidation and Disbursement Committee of at least three (3) Regular Club members in good standing who are not current Officers nor Directors to study the liquidation and subsequent disbursement of the assets, if any, of the Club and to make its recommendation to the Board of Directors of the Club. At least one Trustee shall also be appointed to this committee.
Section 2
The Board of Directors upon receipt of the recommendation of the Liquidation and Disbursement Committee shall either accept or reject in full the recommendation of this committee. The Board of Directors shall have the right to accept or decline all proposals for presentation to the membership and the membership shall have the right to propose any recommendation to the Board.
Section 3
If the recommendation is rejected, the President shall appoint a new Liquidation and Disbursement Committee as prescribed above. If the recommendation is accepted, the President shall instruct the Secretary to prepare a ballot to be distributed to all members of good standing. The ballot shall be of such a nature as to give the Regular Club member the clear option of accepting or rejecting the proposition. Included with the ballot shall be an envelope suitable for sealing, upon which the Regular Club member shall affix his or her signature in order to validate the ballot. The date by which ballots must be returned shall be clearly indicated; however, in no case shall this date be less than thirty (30) calendar days after the date the ballots were distributed.
Section 4
The President shall call a special meeting for the sole purpose of discussion of the proposition. The date of this special meeting shall be after the date the ballots are distributed but at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date concluding the ballot period.
Section 5
The President shall appoint, with the approval of the Board, a Ballot Committee of at least three (3) Regular Club members of good standing who are not current Officers nor Directors and who are not members of the Liquidation and Disbursement Committee to receive the sealed ballots and to certify to the Board the results of the ballot.
Section 6
The Secretary shall provide a complete, alphabetical list of all Regular Club members of good standing to the Ballot Committee. The Ballot Committee shall inspect all ballots for the signature of the Regular Club member of good standing. Unsigned ballots shall be destroyed. The Ballot Committee shall record the number of ballots destroyed. The remaining ballots shall then be counted and recorded. The Ballot Committee shall report to the Board of Directors the number of ballots distributed, the number of ballots returned, the number of ballots destroyed due to lack of signature, the number of ballots accepting the proposition and the number of ballots rejecting the proposition. The results shall be decided by a simple majority of the signed ballots returned. In addition to the above, the Ballot Committee shall provide the Board an alphabetical list of those Regular Club members whose ballots were counted and recorded.
Section 7
The above procedures shall be repeated as many times as necessary until the Regular Club members in good standing finally approve a proposition for liquidation and disbursement of the assets, if any, of the Club.
Section 1
Theme park tickets and other pass through events sponsored by the Club are readily available within budget to all Regular Club and Associate Club members. As it is the Club's intent to not over-subsidize either Regular Club or Associate Club members regarding event pricing, it is the responsibility of the Event and Activity Coordinator to ensure fair event ticket discounting.
There will be no membership preference between groups given for event ticket requests. If the requests for tickets received during the first two weeks following distribution of the Reporter are more than tickets available, a lottery is to be held of requests received. If requests received during the first two weeks do not exceed the tickets available, event tickets are to then be distributed to members on a first-come first-served request basis. Order shall be based upon receipt of the Club member's check or money order. When tickets purchased for an event exceed the amount needed by the Club membership, any remaining tickets may be sold at cost to the general public or provided to a charity as approved by the Board for each event. These tickets may only be disposed of within two (2) days of the event following Board approval.
Section 2
Club members may purchase one ticket for themselves and a spouse/guest and either tickets for the member's dependent children or up to two non-dependent family members under the age of 18, at the Club members' price. A Club member's dependent is considered to be a son, daughter or parent who resides in the Club members' home and is truly dependent upon the Club member financially and otherwise. This can include a dependent child who is a full time high school or college student and remains financially dependent upon the Club member. If the Club member cannot attend due to work or illness, the spouse/guest may attend without the member. Club members may also purchase additional tickets for their non-household family and friends at non-member Club prices. Non-member priced tickets are available only to a Club member's non-household family (parents, brothers, sisters, etc) and/or friends and are not for use by non-member employees
Ticket Policy Intent
The simple intent of the Ticket Policy is that you, the person paying your membership dues to the Club is entitled to all the benefits and privileges afforded by Club membership. Your immediate family/household also benefits from your membership. A grown son or daughter who has moved out of your house is no longer a member of your household and no longer is entitled tobenefit from your membership. However,, a son or daughter still in school (high school, trade school or college etc.) that the IRS agrees is a dependent is entitled to benefit from your membership. An elderly or disabled older son, daughter or parent now living in your home under your care and supervision should be considered a dependent and welcome at Club functions as part of your household.
Conversely, non-household family and friends are not entitled to Club benefits provided by your dues and the Club's investments. Non-household family and friends are welcome to attend many events at non-member prices, (non Cluyb-subsidized prices.) Certain events during the year will be for MEMBERS ONLY due to attendance limits and/or higher than anticipated club subsidy. Typically, these will be noted as "Member Appreciation Events."
Section 1
The rules contained in the current Robert's Rules of Order newly revised shall govern this Club's meetings in all cases in which they are applicable and in which they are not in conflict with these by-laws.
Join The Club
The Florida Power Club is a social group for anyone who has retired or works for Florida Power and its successors (Progress Energy, Duke Energy). We hold monthly events where members and friends can socialize and be entertained. We usually get group rates for events and the club partially subsidizes the costs for members - attending just one event can recoup your membership fee!
We now have a Paypal option to pay your annual dues of $36. The link is below in the dues section. Note: This button is only for dues, special buttons for events will be added after an event is announced.
Contact Us
President - Tony Salvarezza (727-820-5921) FL-134
1st Vice President - Jessica Richardson (727-365-1341) IV14
2nd Vice President - Dora Holloway (727-386-2040) DCC-14