Section 1
The Annual Meeting of the Florida Power Club shall be held in January on a date and at a location set by the Board of Directors.
Section 2
Special meetings of the Florida Power Club shall be called at the President's discretion or at the request of the majority of Directors or at the written request of twenty-five (25) percent of the Regular Club membership.
Section 3
At all meetings of the Regular Club members, ten (10) percent of the dues paying voting membership, attending in person or voting by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The voting membership of the Florida Power Club will consist of all Regular Club members for all matters except for member dues. Only dues paying members shall be eligible to vote regarding changes to Regular Club member dues. Associate Club members are not eligible to vote.
Section 4
At all meetings of the Regular Club members, ten (10) percent of the dues paying voting membership, attending in person or voting by proxy, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The voting membership of the Florida Power Club will consist of all Regular Club members for all matters except for member dues. Only dues paying members shall be eligible to vote regarding changes to Regular Club member dues. Associate Club members are not eligible to vote.
Section 1
The affairs of the Club shall be managed by the President, one or more Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, an Assistant Treasurer and a Board of Directors made up of twelve (12) members representing three(3) groups as follows:
Group 1
All Club Members
not included in Group 2 OR 3
Nine (9) Directors,
Group 2
All Retired Florida Power Club Members
Two (2) Directors,
Group 2
Associate Club Members
One (1) Director
Directors shall serve a term of one (1) year, which shall coincide with the Club's fiscal year. If an appointment is made after the beginning of the Club's fiscal year, the term of the appointment will be for the remainder of the Club's fiscal year. As stated in Article VII, the Florida Power Club's fiscal year shall begin on February 1 and end January 31 of the following year.
Section 2
A Nominating Committee consisting of a Chair and three (3) Regular Club members shall be appointed by the President subject to the approval of the Board of Directors for the current fiscal year. This Committee shall nominate candidates for offices to be presented and voted upon at the Annual Meeting. This Committee shall also nominate candidates to fill vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors during the course of the fiscal year. As much as practical, nominations for Directors will be made such that most, if not all, of the various work centers are represented. Vacancies are defined as: transferring to different groups, leaving the Company, deaths, removal from office, resignation by request, and effective resignation due to three (3) unjustified absences from regularly scheduled Directors' meetings within the Club year. If vacancies occur among the Directors during the first ten months of any fiscal year such that allowing the vacancy to remain until the Annual Meeting would impede the Board's ability to conduct business, the remaining Board members shall be empowered to elect a replacement.
Section 3
The President, 1st Vice President and 2nd Vice President shall be elected at the Annual Meeting by the Regular Club membership at large, through secret ballot, and shall serve for a term of one (1) year.
Section 4
The Directors shall be elected in the following manner: The Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates for incoming Directors prior to the Annual Meeting. Additional nominees to represent a membership group may be presented from the floor at the Annual Meeting. Regular Club members in attendance will vote for their new Directors by secret ballot. The election of Directors will be determined by the total of proxy votes submitted and votes cast by Regular Club members in attendance.
Section 5
Any officer can be removed from office if the officer is negligent in fulfilling Club duties. The Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Membership Chair can be removed from office by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors must, by majority vote (of all Directors), recommend removal of the President and/or Vice Presidents. The recommendation must then be acted upon by a majority vote of the Regular Club membership at a special meeting called for that purpose by the Board of Directors. Two (2) weeks' notice shall be given to the membership of such a meeting. The notice shall set out in full the proposed action. The notice shall be distributed (via Email, interoffice mail, U.S. mail, etc,) to all members and posted in various departments of the Company for at least one (1) week prior to the date of the meeting.
If the President and/or 1st or 2nd Vice President is/are removed or resign(s) from office, the Nominating Committee shall nominate candidates for the office(s). The Board of Directors shall elect the replacement to serve the unexpired term(s).
Section 6
The title to all real estate and/or intangible property acquired by the Florida Power Club shall be vested in and managed by five (5) Trustees. It shall be the responsibility of the Trustees to manage the investment portfolio as stated in the Portfolio Investment Guidelines developed by the Trustees and approved by the Board, and attached hereto and made part hereof. Any changes to this document must be approved by the Board. The President and Trustees shall have check signing authority for accounts administered by the Trustees. All checks must be signed by any two of the approved signers. These Trustees shall be elected at each Annual Meeting, by the membership at large, for a term of one (1) year. Subject to nomination and election, Trustees will be allowed to serve multiple terms. A Chair of the Trustees is to be elected by the five Trustees. A non-voting representative of the Trustees shall attend and participate in Board Meetings. The Trustees may be bonded at the expense of the Club in such an amount as determined by the Board of Directors.
Section 7
All properties of the Club held by Officers, Directors and Committee members of the Club must be turned over to their successors in a timely manner, thirty (30) days, or upon completion of their assignment or term of office.
Section 8
The Planning Board shall consist of the five (5) immediate Past Presidents if possible. The member who has served the most years on the Planning Board shall be Chair. The duties of the Planning Board shall be to assist the President in planning for the welfare of the Club.
Join The Club
The Florida Power Club is a social group for anyone who has retired or works for Florida Power and its successors (Progress Energy, Duke Energy). We hold monthly events where members and friends can socialize and be entertained. We usually get group rates for events and the club partially subsidizes the costs for members - attending just one event can recoup your membership fee!
We now have a Paypal option to pay your annual dues of $36. The link is below in the dues section. Note: This button is only for dues, special buttons for events will be added after an event is announced.
Contact Us
President - Tony Salvarezza (727-820-5921) FL-134
1st Vice President - Jessica Richardson (727-365-1341) IV14
2nd Vice President - Dora Holloway (727-386-2040) DCC-14