Section 1

The following standing committees shall be appointed annually by the President, subject
to the approval of the Board of Directors, and all funds held by these Committees shall
be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

1. GENERAL ACTIVITIES COMMITTEES - The duties of this committee shall be to work in coordinating and arranging for all entertainment at the social functions.

2. AUDITING COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to arrange for an audit or review of the books and accounts of the Treasurer, to report to the Club concerning the audit at the Annual Meeting, to audit or review the financial statements and certify as to their correctness, and generally to audit any special accounts of any kind. The Auditing Committee shall consist of at least one Certified Internal Auditor, or a Certified Public Accountant.

3. VISITING COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to visit the sick members, to make and report their condition to the President and to give all possible personal assistance to the sick member.

4. BY-LAWS COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to study carefully the Charter, and Rules of the Club, accept suggested changes from members, discuss them as a committee, and to propose to the Club any desirable changes.

5. FINANCIAL COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to meet with all standing committees; assist such committees in preparing their budgets for the current year; and to prepare a budget for the Club for the current year. The estimated income from the Club's investment portfolio and the membership dues shall be the funds used in the preparation of the budget.

6. PUBLICITY COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to originate all bulletins and advertising pertaining to the Club.

7. HISTORY AND LIBRARY COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to have charge of the history books of the Club, keeping them in good condition and continuing similar activities that will provide a history of the Club.

8. MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to solicit new members for the Club; to maintain accurate records of the Club membership; to keep Officers and Directors informed of changes in membership; and to issue Lifetime membership cards and inform new members of the Club rules and privileges.

9. BENEVOLENT COMMITTEE - The duties of this committee shall be to evaluate all requests for charitable endeavors as a committee and present recommendations to the Board for approval and expenditures.


Section 1

Any proposed amendment to the Articles of Incorporation of the Florida Power Club or any changes in the by-laws or special rules of said Club shall require the favorable vote of a majority of the members of the Club present attending in person or voting by proxy at any regular meeting, or by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, attending in person or voting by proxy at a special meeting called for that purpose, at which a quorum is represented; provided, however, that two (2) weeks notice shall be given in writing to the Directors representing each group, which notice shall set out in full the proposed action, and by posting notice of such meeting in the various departments of the Company for at least one (1) week prior to the date of said meeting.

Join The Club

The Florida Power Club is a social group for anyone who has retired or works for Florida Power and its successors (Progress Energy, Duke Energy). We hold monthly events where members and friends can socialize and be entertained. We usually get group rates for events and the club partially subsidizes the costs for members - attending just one event can recoup your membership fee!
We now have a Paypal option to pay your annual dues of $36. The link is below in the dues section. Note: This button is only for dues, special buttons for events will be added after an event is announced.

Contact Us

President - Tony Salvarezza (727-820-5921) FL-134
1st Vice President - Jessica Richardson (727-365-1341) IV14
2nd Vice President - Dora Holloway (727-386-2040) DCC-14